Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Class Portfolio

Here is a video I put together for the Class Portfolio. All of the projects that I have done in class with a two extra that I put together in the past few weeks. Before every project is shown there is adescription of what you are going to see. ENJOY! Sorry you have to go to youtube for this but it's the only way it would allow me to put the video on here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project #5

Started working on the project. This is what I got so far.

Blue Eye: The world. Stands for everyone looking out to see what is happening in society.

Face: Stands for society & the economy. As it weakens it starts to crack and it's hard to support anything without society and the economy being stable.

Peace Fingers: Bad things in the world. War, dictators, economic downturn, destruction of life, and destruction of cities. All of this is laid over the peace fingers. The reason that they are in here is to show and for people to realize what should change for future world peace.

Hat: Has clouds layed over the hat, a woman tearing in the right top corner, a wall of missed soldiers with a soldier with his head down a peace pigeon in the middle woman crying in the middle to the left near the left finger and missing soldier gun and helmet. The meaning behind this is to show the sorrow that people feel when there isn't world peace.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Project #4 Wallpaper!

Finished my wallpaper! Took a look at Virgil Marti's wallpaper projects and they gave me some ideas. I also took a look at other pop wallpaper. I tried to include files of the process of the final product but they were taking way too long to open up in photoshop. These files take so long to upload to here! I had to make the image size smaller it is now 8x23 but I still have the 24x64 file for print.

Blogger wouldn't allow me to download any bigger file

Friday, October 16, 2009

Project #3: 10th page

I have to flip the logo and black area next to it to the left side.

UPDATE: Fixed my problem.

Project #3: 9th page

Project #3: 8th page

I have to flip the logo and black area next to it to the left side.

UPDATE: Fixed my problem.